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Common Myths Concerning Nonprofits

Just yesterday, I was interviewing a new student intern candidate in my office.  During the course of our wide ranging discussion, the conversation turned to some of the interesting misconceptions we encounter with clients.  I made the comment that we…

Get More Out of Your Fundraising Efforts

Let’s face it.  Times couldn’t be tougher for many nonprofits, especially when it comes to raising money.  And in the nonprofit world, things often run in inverse proportion:  The tougher the economy, the greater the need…and the scarcer the resources. …

Why Marketing Is So Critical To Your Fundraising

Developing a proactive, comprehensive fundraising plan to make sure your organization is fully funded is just one part of a total plan for your organization. There is another plan you need to create – one that is just as important…

How Year-End Contribution Statements Can Raise Money

It’s one of those administrative tasks that must be done every year:  mailing your donors a year-end statement of their contributions.  Even if you are receipting on a per gift basis, a year-end itemized report is a best practice that…

How To Get Funding For Your Nonprofit (Part II)

In last week’s blog post, we looked at a set of core principles that are critical for nonprofit organizations needing to raise financial support.  If you haven’t read it yet, check that one out before diving into this one.  It…

How To Get Funding For Your Nonprofit

It is the burning question of every nonprofit organization:  “How do we get funding?” With the economy in the dumps, and recovery looking like a distant hope, this question screams for an answer.  In fact, we get more requests from…

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